We’ve created a realm that provides the artist with full, unbound freedom and unequaled comfort. The perfect lighting, aesthetically pleasing interiors, world class and an indepletable supply of positive energy allow us to offer the ideal conditions to record better and achieve more.

The acoustics were designed and the equipment was handpicked by the best people the polish industry had to offer: Roman Bolejko, Tomek Wiśniewski, Roman Oses, Piotr Lupiński.

We’ve amassed top-of-the-line equipment, and then locked it away in our equipment room, so that even the slightest hum doesn’t disturb the ears of the producer. We’ve taken no compromises and have crafted a place, where the only thing that counts is sound. And you can hear it.
We’ve created
a realm that
provides the
artist with full,
unbound freedom
and unequaled
Thing that counts
is sound. And you
can hear it.

Michał Garstecki - founder Free Fly Music
We have divided the realm that you will be working in into two parts: a control-room and a studio. See what each one has to offer.
The control-room was designed according to the concept of lede (live end dead end), with an area of 25 square meters and a 0.22 second reverberation. You have a fully equipped and thoroughly designed command center at your disposal. All the devices that could disturb you in any way have been moved to the accompanying, yet thoroughly isolated machine room. Thanks to a complex array of sound systems coupled with a set of APS Trinity+APS sub 15 monitors we have achieved the perfect auditory conditions. This enables the creation of the perfect acoustic image, free from the negative influence of room mods. Additionally, we offer an alternative APS Coax monitoring system. We’ve also provided the room with a separate, isolated and screened power supply, working at 110v and 230v. Now everything, including a proper amount of sliders, dials and tons over tons of coffee, is in your hands.

The studio, on the other hand, is a 34 square meter area, detached from its surroundings by a 130db acoustic insulation, manufactured according to box in box technology. Control room isolation is an equal 80db. We’ve achieved a perfect, 0,5 second, reverberation thanks to an acutely tuned setup of resonance sound-absorbing systems coupled with diffusive elements. This allowed us to create within the studio two completely different zones, based on the kind of reverberative response they create.
The “light” zone adds shine and space to instruments and voices, whereas the “dark” zone extracts an unparalleled warmth, proximity and softness. Such a design enables perfectly smooth sound regulation, all depending on the setup of the instruments.
A subtle and perfectly controllable reverberation enriches and complements the natural tone of acoustic instruments and facilitates intonation control. Add to this a multi-point, discreet lighting, noise-free ventilation and an abundance of space for artistic

We believe that great things are created in such conditions. In order to fully register them, we offer you a few spare kilos of useful electronic equipment.

wsw siemens - 4ch
prism sound maselec mma4xr - 4ch
sos audio upgrades - 4 ch
universal audio 2-610 - 2ch
walter woods - 2ch
millenia media hv3d - 8ch
rme quadmic – 4 ch
bfe - 4ch
a/c converters:
rme adi-8 qs
brauner vm1
neumann u87
neumann sm69 fet – stereo
neumann km84
neumann km184
neumann tlm103
schoeps mk2s
schoeps mk4
dpa 4006
akg c414
akg d112
ev re20
audix d6
sennheiser e604
shure sm57
shure beta91
shure beta52A
oktava 319
royer r121
Composer, arranger, producer, bass-guitarist. Katowice Music Academy Jazz Department Graduate.
Has collaborated with:: Armia, Tie break, Young power, Woo-boo-doo, Soyka, yaniana & kompania, 2tm2,3, Deus meus, Arka noego, Raz dwa trzy, new life music as well as: Randy Breckerem, Jimem Beardem, Deanem Brownem, Frankiem Gambale, Hiramem Bullockiem, Lenny White'm, Alphonsomousonem, Paulem Vertico, Anną Marią Jopek, Michałem Urbaniakiem, Tomaszem Stańko, Antoniną Krzysztoń.
Has been awarded multiple fryderyk awards for „music producer of the year”. Awarded in the years: 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2003.
Has composed the score for the motion pictures „Demony wojny wg goi”, „Prawo ojca”, co-produced the soundtrack for the motion picture „Spona”.
Producer, bass-guitarist, guitarist. Since 1998 producer at the recording studio of the Poznań Academy of Music, which he is a graduate of.
has collaborated with: Tomaszem budzyńskim, Stanisławem Sojką, Mateuszem Pospieszalskim, Janem Pospieszalskim, Eleni, Hanną Banaszak, Jarosławem Śmietaną, Janem „izbą” Izbińskim, Natalią Niemen, Krzysztofem Antkowiakiem, Piotrem Kałużnym, Januszem Olejniczakiem, Bartłomiejem Niziołem, Mate.o, Grzegorzem Stróżniakiem, Thomasem Sanchez'em, Rayem Wilsonem.
Was Awarded the „Fonogram 2007” award by the Polish public radio (polskie radio) in the folk category for the album „Zegar bije” recorded in collaboration with Jacek Hałas as well as „fonogram 2008” in the same category for the album „mazurki” by prusinowski trio.
Has been a member of Arka Noego since 2000.
Has recorded numerous records, alongside such musicians as: Robert „litza” Friedrich, Darek Malejonek, Maciej „ślimak” Starosta, Marcin i Mateusz Pospieszalscy, Piotr „stopa” Żyżlewicz czy Joszko Broda.
Pianist, composer, producer and conductor. A graduate of the Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Muzyczna in Poznań and a lecturer at the Poznań Academy of Music and Wrocław Academy of Music.
Has collaborated with: Henrykiem Miśkiewiczem, Michałem Urbaniakiem, Zbigniewem Namysłowskim, Janem Ptaszynem Wróblewskim, Adamem Wendtem, Januszem Muniakiem, Jerzym Milianem, Janem Cichym, Wojciechem Kowalowskim, Piotrem Biskupskim, Brandonem Furmanem, Mariuszem Bogdanowiczem.
Has accompanied, among others, Natalie Cole.
Has recorded with leading radio orchestras from Poznań, Katowice and Warsaw.
Writes articles about music and entries on music for, among others, encyclopedia britannica.
Fascinated by harmony and expression creates jazz, theater as well as chamber and symphonic film music.
Pianist, producer, composer. Poznań academy of music.
Has collaborated with:
Dreamland (keyboard instruments, composition, album co-production. The band reached the final stages of the festivals Top Trendy, Vena Festival, and appeared on the Kuba Wojewódzki show. In 2008 dreamland published the album "hipop" with fame records.)
Kasia Wilk (composition and production of the single "Czarujesz", which paved the way for the vocalist’s solo album)
Sonic lake (keyboard instruments, composition, co-production)
Ewa Navrot (keyboard instruments, composition)
Krzysztof Antkowiak (keyboard instruments)
Jack&John Entertainment (composition and production of john egwu’s album)
Has the strongest vibe for: soul, r&b.
Audio producer during concerts and studio audio producer. Audio production graduate of the Katowice Academy of Music.
Has collaborated with: Leszkiem Możdżerem, Irek Głyk multisound, Katarzyną Stankowską, Mieczysławem Szcześniakiem, Violettą Villas, Piotrem Rubikiem, TGD, Jareckim, Katarzyną Mirowską, Anti Babylon system, Mariiją, Misso Musica, Kultórwą, Przyjaciółmi Stefana, Obstawą Prezydenta, Erą Wodnika, Qiorgio Ammirabile, Tammy Rochelle, Fundacją „mam marzenie”, Teatrem Muzycznym Capitol.
Has held the function of production manager at the Brave Festival in Wrocław.
Has the strongest vibe for: acoustic music, jazz, pop rock.
Bass-guitarist, producer. As a session musician has over 30 albums behind his belt.
Has collaborated with: Mieczysławem Szcześniakiem, Krystyną Prońko, Mikromusic, Tatianą Okupnik, Ruth lynch & Junior Robinson, TGD, Mate.o, Heavy Blues, Leszek Cichoński guitar workshop, Stan Skibby, Wolną Grupą Bukowina, Starym dobrym małżeństwem, Katarzyną Groniec, Artur acoustic harmony, Feeling station, Piotrem Dziubkiem, Chromosomos, Irek głyk multisound, Kubą Stankiewiczem, Jobim.pl.
Has participated in the Opole and Sopot song festivals and numerous concerts in the USA, England, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Moldavia, Ukraine,The Czech Republic and Slovakia as a producer regularly collaborates, among others, with emi, universal, polskie radio, dr, grami, mix.
Won the first prize in the category “other styles” in the “Gitara i Bas” magazine contest .
Sound engineer, producer and composer, alum of london’s sae.
Has collaborated with: Sony Music France, The French label nave and television stations tf1 and arte, as well as artists such as Fabienne Thibeault, Jean-Pierre Debarbat, Victor Barange, Carine Erseng, Zut, Ménage Troi, Ridan, Lois Andréa, Clementine etc.
Has grossly contributed to the success of such projects as: rozmowy nocą, not evil just wrong, le bleu de l'ocean, sous le soleil, solistki, moje dziecko jest aniołem, le rve ou la vie, anticonstitutionnellement, sachons dire non, libre d'avancer, couleur café, seguido.
Has participated in the recording of over 50 albums with artists representing diverse musical genres – from jazz, through pop and rock, up to hip-hop and r’n’b .
Studio and concert producer, and a guru of voicing advertising spots. A musician, a certified acoustics engineer, and a member of the audio engineering society.
Has collaborated with Gmb Pro Sound.
Has participated in the production of such projects as: Arka Noego, Big Cyc (live), Czarno-Czarni (live), Coca-Cola (radio), Deus Meus, Dialog (infolinia), Doda (live), Encyklopedia Multimedialna PWN (cd-rom), Folk Fiesta (live), Ewelina Flinta (live), Bracia Golec, Edyta Górniak (live), Fundacja Urszuli Jaworskiej (infolinia), Anna Maria Jopek (piosenki), Natalia Kukulska (live), Mama i Dziecko (tv), New Life M, Eleonora Niemen (album), Natalia Niemen, Peugeot (radio), PKO BP (teleserwis), Marcin Pospieszalski, Sprandi (radio), Staropolanka (tv), Teatr tv (postprodukcja), Tymoteusz - 2tm2,3, september (live), Mieczysław Szcześniak (piosenki), Sławomir Szymański (album), Tesco (radio), TGD, T-systems Deutsche Telekom group (tv), Kasia Wilk (album), Wirtulandia (tv), Życiowa szansa (post-produkcja).
Conductor, producer, and conducting graduate of the Poznań Academy of Music, a frequent participant of many master contests, such as the h. Rilling in leipzig, j.e. gardiner in stuttgart and j. Riffkin in brixen.
A laureate of the “stypendium dla młodych twórców” scholarship founded by the city of Poznań and the medal for young art awarded by the daily “Głos Wielkopolski”.
In the years 1987-1990 he conducted the Wielkopolska Symphonic Orchestra.
Since 1987 he has been the conductor of the Orkiestra sSymfoniczna Państwowego Liceum Muzycznego w Poznaniu (Poznań Music High School Symphony Orchestra).
Since 1993 he has led the symphonic orchestra of the Poznań Academy of Music.
Since 1996 he has been the conductor of „Arte dei sounatori” – an orchestra that plays authentic baroque instruments.
Since 1997 he has been a conductor at Teatr Wielki in Poznań, where his interpretation of the opera “galina” by marcel lewandowski won him an invitation to the expo 2000 Exposition.
he has collaborated with outstanding soloists:
K. A. Kulka, J. Kotnowska, E. Chojnacka, W. Ochman, M. Bilson.
His monographic arvo pärta concerts have been proclaimed by the newspapers “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Życie” as the cultural event of the year in Poznań.

However, before we
even begin to record,
we offer you a coffee.
We are interested
in how you hear
and see it all.
We believe
that great things
are created
in such
We collaborate with word-class producers and session musicians. We offer professional equipment and all the necessary instruments. If the need arises, we are able to get a small orchestra together with conductor and arranger and untapped supplies of positive energy into
the studio in a matter of two days.

However, before we even begin to record, we offer you a coffee. We are interested in how you hear and see it all. We want to iscuss your project to know who to call and to tell you how much everything will cost you.

The free fly music studio is great. It has top of the line equipment and a truly amazing production level.
Amazing monitoring conditions, a comfortable control room, great rooms. They can take pride in their space, awesome space!
Very natural sound. A nice cozy, warm studio, you can hear wood in its sound… great job. The guitars and vocals -amazing - world-class microphones.
Free Fly Music – Michał’s personal involvement and professionalism produce a feeling of security and artistic freedom — and this has an undoubted influence on the artistic quality of the recording created under his supervision. And you can always score a substantial amount of ice-cream during a break. to put it brief -- pure pleasure.
Professionalism in a family atmosphere. No stress…
It’s a very pleasant place, a nice – homely atmosphere, large control-room and a spacious recording room. unfortunately, i can’t remember the equipment details because i’ve been there only once, hastily recording my guitars, but judging by their sound, nothing is missing. the sound of the acoustic guitars was surprisingly well recorded. I fully recommend their services!!!
A very nice and pleasant atmosphere. Professional! i was extremely satisfied…
A great many people associated a studio with an enormous amount of equipment, cables and instruments. Here i found something surprising and extraordinarily friendly. The peace and quiet coming from the ascetic yet highly tasteful control-room, where you can easily focus on your work, where there are no record covers to distract you or holes left after missing equipment to scare you. Acoustically - a gem.
The session at free fly music shaped or music into an album – in three days. Thanks to the studio’s acoustics there was little left to do during postproduction - the microphones and instruments were in their perfect place and everything sounded natural. Not only did we
concentrate on the material, but we also had great fun!
I had the pleasure of spending time and working in this studio a number of times. The atmosphere here is extremely pleasant and facilitates the creative process. It is a professional studio, well equipped with equipment indispensable for recording and editing virtually any music production. The most important thing, however, is the courtesy of the producer, michał, his professional and creative approach, which i treasure.
An amazing, full-blown studio. I’m very pleased by the way the drums sounded.
A professional recording studio created with great passion and love for music, tailored to the most minute of details. The studio’s amazing acoustics guarantees you’ll create an unforgettable sound even at the stage of registration. Professional equipment and production skills multiply this effect in the final stages. I can guarantee the professionals that they’ll find unmatched partners to converse about music and brainstorm. Amateurs will gladly find a nice atmosphere and a helpful, competent hand, so sought after in the first stages of their career. I highly recommend this universal studio.
A nice atmosphere, a spacious, bright interior. I recorded a viola section here and i have to say, the results are beautiful! This place seems to have been created for strings…
Amazing sounding rooms, top-class equipment, professional and helpful sevice. I highly recommend!
Free fly music – there is nothing better to complement the sound of an instrument than a well sounding room. It makes the mix easier to complete and the results natural.
A very pleasant studio. In spite of the stone-like acoustic wall, which lets the sounds sound just right, there is no “cold” feeling because the studio is fitted with a combination of wood and fabric, well lit by spot lighting, which creates a warm, homely atmosphere. This atmosphere is greatly influenced by the producer, who makes work here pleasant and stress-less.
Acoustically, a great place — spacious with a high ceiling; just perfect for recording drums. A great atmosphere, delicious pastries, tea and extraordinary home-made liqueur.
I have never recorded anything among so many ten-foot trees before! Which, as it turned out, give such a great sound and tons of positive energy:)
It was a pleasure for me to record at free fly music studio professional staff, great sound, world-class equipment... I sure hope it wasn't my last visit here:)))

We collaborate
with word-class
and session

15 minutes
by car from
downtown Poznan.
In a detached,
monitored building.
With parking
spots. Welcome
to Free Fly Music.
+48 602 522 157
This groove is now 100% yours. You can download it to your hard drive and find out for yourself what free fly music sounds like on your favorite equipment. Have fun!
Music: Jacek Winkiel & John Egwu
Lyrics: John Egwu
Vocals / background vocals: John Egwu
Rhodes piano: Jacek Winkiel
Drums: Robert Luty
Bass: Piotr Żaczek
Production: Jacek winkiel & John Egwu
Mix: Michał Garstecki & Jacek Winkiel Free Fly Music
Mastering: Jacek Gawłowski - JG Master Lab
Copyrights FreeFlyMusic 2025
Site by Minima Advertising People